High performing Project Leadership is a key requirement for the successful development and delivery of Projects and Programmes. The starting point is a holistic, high level overview of the Project or Programme; where questions about the value of the proposals are rigorously examined together with the risks and opportunities. For large projects this is a high level strategic question at a corporate or governmental level, for smaller ones rigorous checks are made as to their fit into the overall direction already set for the organisation.
Identifying what the value is, what the real risks and opportunities are, all in simple, easily understood terms, leads to the setting up of the framework within which the delivery will unfold, with high performance and improvement built in.
The next key step, as the execution phases commence, are communications and feedback so that all participants are aligned on the overall objectives, understand their role, what their lines of communications are and how they can add value. This is a continuous process where the leader is primarily setting the outlines, supporting, listening, observing what is happening, then deciding whether any interventions or changes are desirable.
With the right framework the Project or Programme has a momentum of its own, with a widely held positive mindset by all participants. The leaders main role is then to support, celebrate success and intervene to make changes only where appropriate.